Superman Still shots of the New Characters suits Superman vs. Zod

Fellow Kryptonian Faora is she good or bad girl??

Jor-El Kryptonian father of Cal-El (Superman) played by Russell Crowe

On the set of "Man Of Steel"

War of Krytonians demise gets more screen time this go around, as Jor-El places newborn Cal-El
into his space capsule headed for Earth in the new Superman Movie "Man Of Steel"
Fellow Kryptonian Faora is she good or bad girl??
Jor-El Kryptonian father of Cal-El (Superman) played by Russell Crowe
On the set of "Man Of Steel"
War of Krytonians demise gets more screen time this go around, as Jor-El places newborn Cal-El
into his space capsule headed for Earth in the new Superman Movie "Man Of Steel"