The Rock Body Workout

The secret that I used in getting a Rock Body was to train the MMA way. Have you ever noticed the shape these fighters are in?
I'm talking about MMA fighters and Boxers. They have the most muscular and lean physiques in the entire sports arena. This is because they train the whole body with specific weight training exercises and circuit training just to name few to get the Rock Hard Body with dense, strong muscles.
Training the MMA way with THE FIGHT READY Training system has been my go to program for turning my soft, squishy body into one that my wife calls " A Rock Body " ! Increasing strength, gaining muscle and obtaining more endurance than ever before.
The proof is in the pudding. You can clearly see the progress I made with my before and after pics below. I stuck to a 12 week program of intense MMA workouts, Keto type diet, to chisel my physique into a Rock Body.
The following are some tips and tricks I learned that can help you on your fitness journey. If you train like a fighter you will look like a fighter. You dont have to fight anyone to get into fighter shape, just follow the program.
- Stay off the scale: constantly weighing yourself morning noon and night can be discouraging , even if you are trying to gain muscle or lose fat. Here is the main detraction. Lets say your goal is to gain weight. You are eating plenty of calories , getting in the workouts, for the first few days of your program, then stepping on the scale and expecting to see some gains. Not gonna happen. Quality muscle takes work+food+rest or in others words Train+Eat+Sleep+Grow+Repeat. Depending on your age, stress level, quality of health, food intake, recovery ability, metabolism, level of activity, hormone levels, environment etc. will determine how fast you will add muscle or burn body fat. If your goal is to lose weight same things apply , if you are always on that scale looking for the number to change you will be discouraged...
- How to Measure Success: instead of using the scale to measure your success, short term keep track of your workouts in a convenient notebook, training journal, or other method. Write down every workout. The most measurable item in your fitness quest that increases the fastest is your strength! As you keep track of how many sets you did, how much weight, etc. you will notice that each time you workout you will be able to do a little more + a little more, as you push yourself to get that extra rep or that extra 5 or 10 lbs more than you did last week you will soon see how much stronger you are getting. You can see strength gains the first week of training. Simply performing a workout starts the brain programming your muscle memory, like a thin thread of nerve impulses from the brain to the muscle repeated will increase that nerve impulse to more easily complete the process the next time. The brain simply says ok you are going to repeat this weight lifting activity so I will give you more nerve force to accomplish this . Also known as the human body's adaptive ability . The same principle applies to which is your dominate hand, right or left? Notice how if you are right handed and you try to do something left handed its a lot harder because the nerves are not conditioned from repetition to perform a given task from your weak hand...simple repetitions will increase the nerve strength hence the muscle strength will increase before there is any actual increase in the muscle tissue.
- Next thing to measure is how your clothes fit. Try on some clothes that you have that fit tight. as you keep the same set of clothes to try on once a month you notice that they begin to fit differently. For example if your goal is to lose body fat and you are lifting weights you will start to grow some muscle (good) the muscle will initially grow faster than the body fat decreases. So your clothes may at first get tighter and you may actually gain some overall weight but we are not measuring our progress on the scale remember? This is a very good sign. (tighter clothes) because it is showing that you are actually growing muscle. As long as you have been faithfully lifting and eating clean and getting enough sleep etc. The biggest calorie burning tissue in your body is muscle tissue , the more muscle you have the more fat it consumes. Eventually your muscle tissue will start to consume your body fat and your clothes will start to fit looser. In the case that your goal is to increase overall body weight your clothes may get looser as you at first because your body fat is decreasing , you may actually lose weight at first but as you continue to lift faithfully eat clean, and get plenty of rest your muscles will increase in size thus your clothes will fit tighter, hello Rock Body!
- The Endurance Factor. As you progress in your fitness journey you will notice your endurance increases almost on a daily basis. At first you may only be able to workout 15 minutes per workout , gradually increase the duration and intensity of each workout, soon you will notice that your workouts are up to 30-45 minutes. Depending on your life stress's , recovery ability , eating habits etc. You will be able to see almost immediate increase's in endurance. Tip: ideal workout time is about 45 minutes. When you go over an hour your body starts to produce Cortisol which is a stress hormone, and starts tearing down hard earned muscle tissue to get amino acids and use them for other metabolic process's that will preserve your life. Its called the fight or flight response. So too long of workouts are counter productive.
- Discouragement can come in many forms . Self Depreciation is most common. Learn to develop a positive feedback system. Reward yourself with statements that reflect your effort. Got an "A" for effort??
- Create a vision board: This is one of my favorite motivators! Take a few fitness magazines and cut out exactly who you would love to look like. Paste them on a large piece of poster board where you can hang in a prominent place i.e your bedroom where you can see it everyday. Some of my faves are Duane "The Rock" Johnson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Lee, Lou Ferrigno, Sylvester Stallone. Along with the pictures also create some positive phrases out of the letters from the magazine, like "Lean Body, Elegant Muscle, Fit Mom, Fit Dad, etc... find some phrases that mean the most to you. Everyday you see this poster will serve to program your brain to achieve your goals. Visualize your Rock Body, Actualize the results with hard work, time to Rock, here is one of my vision boards. I also have several including some smaller versions made onto 3 x 5 cards that I have strategically placed throughout my house to remind me of my fitness goals and keep me motivated.
This motivation strategy works best for me, however there are many different strategies. For example these "Still photos" used carry with them a certain degree of intensity. Watching a video of The Rock lifting weights with a hard rock soundtrack packs a huge punch of even more intensity. My favorite motivating movie is "Pumping Iron" with Arnold Schwarzenegger , the sound of the weights clanking in the gym, the looks of pure determination on his face during a heavy set is just pure energy!
This entire website was first designed with keeping myself motivated by collecting the pics a

Torched body fat to reveal Rock Hard abs and midsection
detailed MMA Training to get that Rock Body

This Fight Ready program did wonders for my physique.

I am the blog author and these are my personal photos of my Quest for fitness. I started this blog because I am passionate about health, MMA and fitness, I live and breathe it everyday.
Get the Fight Ready MMA Training System here
Get Stronger Faster
Chad Hilliard
Certified Fitness Trainer
MMA Strength Coach
Muay Thai Fitness Instructor
US ARMY Veteran
Owner Head Honcho
Maximus MMA Fitness
St George Ut