Melissa, Lemon Balm Essential Oil Facts

Melissa (Lemon Balm) Essential Oil

What is the Genus Species? Melissa officinalis
Why is this information important?
It is always a good idea to know your source and the genus species of your essential, so you know what you are getting! As I mentioned in the introduction, lemon balm oil is often times adulterated or is being sold as therapeutic grade when it really is not.
The most popular way to adulterate lemon balm oil is with lemongrass and citronella. So always purchase your oil by the common name and the genus species name, and know your supplier!
Where is the name derived from? Melissa comes from a Greek word "melittena" meaning "honey bee".
Why is this information so important? Its not, it's just a fun fact!
What Part of the Plant is Used? Leaves and flowers.
What is the ORAC Value? 134,300 µTE/100g
Why know about this number? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It tells you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. Antioxidants have shown to reduce the risk of age related conditions and cancer! This was developed by the USDA researchers. For instance: Oranges = 750; Clove = 1,078,700. Wow! The number for clove is NOT a typo!
Most Interesting Historical Reference?
Did you know that Melissa was contained in Carmelite water that was distilled by the Carmelite monks since 1611?
What are the Plant Properties? Anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-depressant, antihistamine, antimicrobial, antispasmodic, antiviral, hypertensive, nervine, tonic, uterine and sedative.
What are the Documented Lemon Balm Uses and Benefits? Anxiety, asthma, depression, insomnia, viral infections (herpes), bronchitis, coughs, colds, cold sore blisters, eczema, erysipelas, heart conditions, hypertension, indigestion, insect bites, menstrual problems, migraine, nausea, nervous tension, palpitations, shock, sterility, throat infections, vertigo and vomiting.
What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? Its delicate and lemon scent aroma is calming and uplifting.
What is the Spiritual Influence? Lemon Balm uses definitely include the spiritual and emotional realm.
It has been used for centuries to harmonize the mind and body. It will help those who are sensitive and feel pressure easily, and emotionally shut down. Once we shut down, melancholy or depression sets in and takes over, but with Lemon Balm we can quickly lift ourselves back out of this state!
Using Lemon balm will restore clarity, bring support and balance back to the spirit so once again we may have a positive outlook on our life and well being.
What Chakra is Affected? Opens and expands the heart chakra.
What is the corresponding Chakra Color? Pink
How do I use it?
Use NEAT (undiluted). Then,
  • Apply several drops (2-4) on location
  • Apply to chakras/vitaflex points
  • Directly inhale
  • Diffuse, or
  • May be used as a dietary supplement

What are the Safety Precautions? Only therapeutic grade essential oils should be used for healing results. Because it is approved as a Food Additive (FA) by the FDA, Lemon Balm Oil is readily available on the market in several different qualities, so please know your source.
There are many Lemon Balm uses because it is Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS). Although it may be used as a dietary supplement, it is advised not to use it in this manner for children under 6 years of age.
Essential Oil Trivia?
Did you know that a one-time application of true Melissa (Lemon Balm) oil lead to remission of Herpes Simplex lesions? This was documented by the University of Munich!
Did you know that Lemon Balm was called the "Elixer of Life" by Swiss-born physician and alchemist Paracelsus? He was born in 1493 and he believed it was a rejuvenator of the mind and body and promoted longevity!
Want to Purchase Therapeutic Melissa or Lemon Balm Essential Oil?
Go to the Oil Shop! Buy Melissa or Lemon Balm Oil Here!

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