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How to Train and Look Like A Pro Fighter


How to Look, Train, and Eat Like a Pro Muay Thai Fighter

Muay Thai is a martial art that originated in Thailand and has gained popularity worldwide as a competitive sport. Pro Muay Thai fighters are known for their impressive physiques, mental toughness, and exceptional skills in the ring. In this article, we will explore how to look, train, and eat like a pro Muay Thai fighter.

Looking Like a Pro Muay Thai Fighter


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To look like a pro Muay Thai fighter, you need to focus on building lean muscle mass while reducing body fat. This can be achieved through a combination of resistance training, cardio, and proper nutrition. Fighters typically have a low body fat percentage, often around 8-10%, which requires a strict diet and consistent exercise regimen.

Resistance training is crucial to building lean muscle mass, which is essential for Muay Thai fighters to perform well in the ring. Fighters often incorporate Body Weight exercises such as Body Squats, Pull ups, and Push ups into their workouts to build overall strength. They also use functional training exercises that mimic the movements and demands of Muay Thai fighting.

Cardio is also essential for Muay Thai fighters to improve their endurance and cardiovascular health. HIIT workouts, running, cycling, and jump rope are all popular cardio exercises for fighters.

Training Like a Pro Muay Thai Fighter

Training like a pro Muay Thai fighter requires a combination of strength and conditioning exercises, as well as fight-specific training. Fighters need to work on their striking, kicking, clinching, and defense techniques to succeed in the ring.

Strength and conditioning exercises can include weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, and plyometrics. Fighters also incorporate HIIT workouts to improve their cardiovascular endurance and overall fitness.

Fight-specific training includes working with a coach or trainer to improve technique and skill in specific areas such as striking, clinching, and kicking. Fighters also engage in sparring to simulate fight conditions and improve their ability to react and respond in a fight.

Eating Like a Pro Muay Thai Fighter

Pro Muay Thai fighters typically follow a strict diet to maintain their physique and energy levels. This diet is often high in protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates while being low in processed foods and sugar.

Protein is essential for muscle recovery and growth, and fighters often consume protein from sources such as lean meats, eggs, and protein supplements. Healthy fats are also important for overall health and can be found in sources such as nuts, seeds, and avocado. Complex carbohydrates provide energy for workouts and can be found in sources such as sweet potatoes, whole grains, and fruits and vegetables.

Fighters also often use supplements to support their training and recovery. These can include protein powder, creatine, and BCAAs.


Looking, training, and eating like a pro Muay Thai fighter requires dedication and discipline. It involves building lean muscle mass, reducing body fat, engaging in a combination of strength and conditioning exercises and fight-specific training, and following a strict diet. If you are interested in looking, training, and eating like a pro Muay Thai fighter, get the Fighters Body Academy Now working with a Professional coach who can provide guidance, support and Motivation as you work towards your goals. Includes 24 months of 144 total Follow along Workouts, with Professional coaching and Motivation during the workouts, truly a one of a kind-Next-Level-Fitness-Program.

With consistent effort, you can achieve a physique and fitness level similar to that of a pro fighter, plus you will gain the muscular strength, fat loss and self defense skills.

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