Rock Body Weight Workout

The 9 Strongest Vasodilating Substances on the Planet.

Hemodilator, Vasodilator, Vasodilation, Blood Vessel Dilation, Increase Blood Flow to Muscle tissue.

Definition of:
Noun1.vasodilation - dilation of blood vessels (especially the arteries)
dilatationdilation - the act of expanding an aperture; "the dilation of the pupil of the eye"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

dilate (daɪˈleɪt; dɪ-)
1. (Medicine) to expand or cause to expand; make or become wider or larger: the pupil of the eye dilates in the dark.

Enhanced Hemodilator Essential Oil singles and Blends

Support Muscularity, Strength and Recovery!

Topical application, immediate results, does not need to travel through the entire digestive system.
Pre-workout massage 1-2 drops each into targeted muscle group. Choose 1 oil , place 1 drop on the fleshy part of your thumb, then into your mouth pressing on the roof of your mouth, like your are sucking on your thumb, keep it in there and get most of the oil off of your thumb, rub some on the insides of your inner cheek as well to enhance the absorption. This process will supercharge your brain for intense workout, Peppermint has a mind stimu works really well, any of these oils will work just a matter of taste. Stimulating, Uplifting, Energizing. All Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.
  1. Lemon Essential Oil - improves micro circulation, strengthens  blood capillaries.
  2. Clove Essential Oil  (Syzygium aromaticum) - Stimulating, Energizing,Blood thinning, Vasodilator.
  3. Conyza Essential Oil (Canadian Fleabane) - Stimulates  Hormones, Vasodilating found in Endogize
  4. Panaway Essential Oil Blend Pain Relieving, Blood thinning, Hemodilating
  5. Peppermint Essential Oil. Deep Muscle Penetrating, soothing, pain relieving, mental stimulant. 
Post Workout Muscle relaxing, sedating vasodilators. Massage 1-2 drops into targeted muscle group. Followed by hot shower or bath.
  1. Valor Essential Oil Blend Extremely relaxing, calming, anti-inflammatory
  2. Marjoram Essential Oil (Origanum majorana) Muscle soothing, blood vessel dilating, sedating
  3. Lemongrass Essential Oil (Cymbopogon Flexuosus) Sedating, Relaxing, Hemodilator
  4. Idaho Balsam Fir 

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