Rock Body Weight Workout

Frankincense Top 10 Most beneficial uses Including Sore Muscles

FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia carteri)

Considered a ‘Universal Medicine” from ancient times to present,
Frankincense was good for everything from gout to a broken head,
according to Egyptian hieroglyphics. Frankincense is considered a
holy anointing oil in the Middle East, where it has been used in
religious ceremonies for thousands of years. Frankincense has a
sweet, warm, balsamic aroma that is stimulating and elevating to the
mind. It has been used therapeutically in European and American
hospitals and is the subject of substantial research.
1-Moles & skin
2-Applying a drop directly to skin tags, moles or other skin
discolorations may help them disappear.
3-Depression : Rubbing a drop or two to the bottoms of the feet may relieve
symptoms of depression.
4-Eyesight Combining 1 drop of frankincense with a carrier oil and applying
around the eye area (use caution not to get too close to the eye)
5-may eliminate blurred vision and improve eyesight.
6-Cold sores or
Putting a drop of frankincense directly on a cold sore or wart may
clear them up.
8-Skin blemish Using 1 drop of frankincense on an area of skin blemish from too
much sun may bring relief and reduce symptoms.
9-Fibroid Tumor Rubbing a drop on a fibroid tumor may shrink it. Try rubbing a
drop of peppermint oil after, to drive the oil into the area.
10-Aging or dry
11-Apply neat or diluted for aging and dry skin.
12-Tight Muscles May relax tight muscles when applied.
14-May increase spiritual awareness, promote meditation, improve
attitude and uplift spirits. And may be useful for visualizing,
improving one's spiritual connection and centering.
15-Mood Boosting Try inhaling if you need a mood booster or are feeling down. It has
comforting properties that may help with focusing the mind on the
positive. try this blend "Brain Power"
16-Stop bleeding As a hemostat it may also been applied to cuts and wounds to stop
the bleeding.
17-Insomnia. Place a drop on your thumb and press it into the inside of your cheeks both sides, this will be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and cross the blood brain barrier and goes straight into the brain affecting the Pituitary, Thalmus and Hypothalmus glands, which govern the secretion of Growth Hormone, Melatonin, Serotonin. Franckincense oil can also be massaged into the temples, the soft spot at the base of your skull behind your ear lobes. The back of the neck along the vertebrae.
18- The applications to fitness programs are endless. Post workout massaged into the worked muscles may help to increase muscle protein synthesis which is the process of converting protein into muscle, assisting with quicker recovery, decreased muscle soreness, faster strength gains etc. Wholesale purchase link, get 24% off at YOUNG-LIVING-ESSENTIAL-OILS Lehi Utah



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