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Wintergreen Essential Oil

What is the Genus Species? Gaultheria procumbens
Why is this information important? There are many different species of Wintergreen. Even though species may share some similar properties they are not at all the same. And they are used for different purposes. So please know your genus species when using and purchasing essential oils.
What Part of the Plant is Used? Leaves and bark.
What is the ORAC Value? 101,800 µTE/100g
Why be bothered with this number? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It tells you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. Antioxidants have shown to reduce the risk of age related conditions and cancer! This was developed by the USDA researchers. For instance: Spinach = 1,260; Clove = 1,078,700. Wow! The number for clove is NOT a typo!
Most Interesting Historical Reference?
Did you know that the Native Americans chewed wintergreen when running long distances to increase endurance and respiratory capacity? Wow!
What are the Plant Properties? Antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, analgesic, disinfectant, anticoagulant, vasodilator and stimulant (bones).
What are the Documented Benefits and Uses of Wintergreen? Angina, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, backache, bee stings, bleeding gums, blood clots, broken or fracture bone, bone pain, bronchitis, bunions, bursitis, cardiovascular conditions, carpal tunnel, Crohn's Disease, circulation disorders, colitis, connective tissue, cramps, disk deterioration, ear infection, edema, fatty liver, fever, fibromyalgia, gallstones, gingivitis, Grave's Disease, head cold, headache, heart attack, hematoma, hemorrhoids, herniated disk, hepatitis, hives, hypertension, hyperthyroid, indigestion, inflammation, irritable bowel syndrome, itching, joint stiffness, kidney stones, ligament, lupus, lumbago, migraine, multiple sclerosis, mumps, muscles (sore or inflammed), muscle spasms,neck pain, nerve pain, neuritis, oral infection, rheumatism, tendonitis, lymphatic system detox, nausea, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, phelbitis, pleurisy, poison oak and ivy, polio, prostate, benign prostate hyperplasia (bph), prostatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, scleroderma, scoliosis, sinus congestion, spider bite, spine injury, sprain, sore throat, toothaches, ulcer, urinary tract infection, wounds and varicose veins.
What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? It is mentally stimulating and increases attentiveness. The odor is its signature.
What is the Spiritual Influence? It is interesting that this plant associates with many of our senses: smell, taste, touch and hearing (sound).
Wintergreen essential oil can penetrate deep within the body it can increase the vibration of the body and enhancing sound on all levels. The odor alone is said to do this.
Because of this, it was used during spiritual ceremonies, especially where sound was used (meditations, chants, etc). It brought back harmony between the earth and its people through healing and awareness.
This increase in vibration opens spiritual awareness and leads to introspection of divine and self love. This will be particular helpful to those who are very left brained (logical), and need to expand further into their intuitive side (right brain).
What Chakra is Affected? The heart and solar plexus chakras expand.
What is the corresponding Chakra Color? Green.
How do I use it?
Use diluted - 20:80 dilution (one part essential oil: four part of vegetable oil). Then,
  • Apply several drops (2-4) on location
  • Apply to chakras/vitaflex points
  • Directly inhale, or
  • Diffuse
Good oil for the First Aid Kit? No
Athletic Applications: 
What are the Safety Precautions? First, only use therapeutic grade essential oils when wanting healing results! Because it is improved as a Food Additive (FA) by the FDA, food grade wintergreen oil is available on the market. Please remember, these are not the same oils and are often adulterated (changed).
Children younger than 5 years old, women who are pregnant and those who have epilepsy should avoid using wintergreen.
Additionally, because this oil is an anti-coagulant it may increase the effect of pharmaceutical blood thinners.
Some people have reactions to methyl salicylate, the primary ingredient in wintergreen essential oil.
Essential Oil Knowledge
Did you know that wintergreen (synthetically made) is widely used as a flavoring agent in root beer, gum and toothpaste?
Did you know that the early American settlers had their children chew the leaves of wintergreen each spring to prevent tooth decay?
Did you know that Wintergreen Tea was a substitute for Black Tea during the Revolutionary War? The Native Americans also enjoyed wintergreen tea. The tea was made from birch bark or wintergreen.
Found in Panaway.

Tips and Testimonials from an Essential Oil User
Use wintergreen essential oil to promote the healing of broken bones and fractures! And combat osteoporosis.

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