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Can Peppermint Oil Increase Mental Ability, Memory, or Mind To Muscle Link?

Buy Peppermint Essential Oil Here!

Peppermint Essential Oil
What is the Genus Species? Mentha piperita
Why is this information important? There are several different many different hybrids of Peppermint that are grown all over the world. As a matter of fact, most books note that Peppermint may actually be a hybrid between the water mint and spearmint plants.
Some companies may try to substitute a species within the family and try to sell it for therapeutic use! So make sure you know your source and you are purchasing the right genus species!
Where is the name derived from? Peppermint comes from a Latin word "mente" meaning "thought".
Why is this information so important? Its not, it’s just a fun fact!
What Part of the Plant is Used? Leaves and stems
What is the ORAC Value? 37,300 µTE/100g
Why know about this number? ORAC stands for Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity. It tells you the antioxidant capacity of a food item. Antioxidants have shown to reduce the risk of age related conditions and cancer! This was developed by the USDA researchers. For instance: Blueberries = 2,400; Clove = 1,078,700.
Most Interesting Historical Reference?
Did you know that Peppermint was one of the ingredients found in "Four Thieves Vinegar" or "Marseilles Vinegar"? The vinegar protected against the plague in the 15th century and was developed by thieves who robbed graves that worked in the spice industry! 
What are the Plant Properties? Anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitumoral, antiparasitic, antibacterial, gallbladder and digestive stimulant, pain reliever, analgesic, antispasmodic, anticarcinogenic, decongestant, fever reducer, stimulant, cardiotonic, 
What are the Documented Uses for Peppermint? Respiratory infections (tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis), asthma, arthritis, fevers, nausea, obesity, fungal infections (Candida), digestive problems, headaches, skin conditions (psoriasis, hair, eczema, itchy skin), viral (herpes simples, herpes zoster, cold sores), Mental Concentration, Hunger pain suppressor, back problems (scoliosis).
What is the Aromatic Affect on the Mind? Aromatic scent is fresh and cool.
What is the Spiritual Influence? Small amounts of peppermint essential oils can cleanse the spiritual bodies and increase attunement with the soul so that intuitive awareness increases. Fears may also be minimized, especially those having to do with motion (riding, skiing, and flying).
This is particularly good oil when there is resistance to learn a new subject or to move in a new direction. It cools and calms the mind and eliminates the fear of the unknown.
What Chakra is Affected? Root, sacral, solar plexus and throat chakras.
What are the corresponding Chakra Colors? Green and violet.
How do I use it?
Dilute 50:50, and then,
  • Apply several drops (2-4) on location, abdomen and temples
  • Apply to chakras/vitaflex points
  • Directly inhale
  • Diffuse, or
  • May be used as a dietary supplement.
Good oil for the First Aid Kit? Yes
Can this Oil be used for Pets? Yes, use it for muscle aches, sprains and pain. Increasing focus when training horses. Digestive stimulant.
Note about Animal Use: Certain oils can be very toxic to cats. Pine and citrus products and oils in particular that are not of therapeutic grade! Please consult your vet if you are not sure about applying any essential oil to your pet.
What are the Safety Precautions? First, only use therapeutic grade essential oils! Peppermint essential oil is Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS). It is approved by the FDA for use as a Food Additive (FA).
Watch your eyes or cuts when using peppermint oil! Place a pure vegetable oil on location if irritation or stinging occurs. Do not use water! It will worsen the symptoms!
Peppermint oil should not be used on children younger than 6 years of age and should be avoided if a person has high blood pressure. May cause skin irritation, therefore dilution is recommended. Use cautiously during pregnancy.
Essential Oil Knowledge.
Did you know that the genus name for peppermint comes from a Greek myth? The story tells that the nymph, Mentha, who was pursued by Pluto, was crushed to dust by his wife Persephone. Pluto changed her back into a sweet smelling peppermint plant!
Did you know that a Kiel University study found that 10% of the peppermint oil in ethanol had the same result as taking a 1000 mg dose of paracetamol? Paracetamol is a widely used analgesic to combat tensions headaches, pain and to reduce fevers.
Did you know that Dr. Dembar from the University of Cincinnati, studies themetal accuracy of students when inhaling peppermint oil? The results showed that mental accuracy increased by 28 percent! Wow! 
Want to Purchase Therapeutic Peppermint Essential Oil?
Buy Now Peppermint Oil Here!

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